Friday, June 4, 2010

Major work done

We've just had a lot of work done to Rosemary in order to register her in Victoria, and also to iron out a few little niggles. This included:
  • a bunch of new bearings
  • rework to the wiring loom and alternator connection to fix the lack of battery charging
  • seatbelts (lap belts) fitted
  • refit of the windscreen wipers and fitment of a water jet
  • oil, filter change etc.
All the work was done by Anthony Johnson of British 4WD Imports. We were very impressed with his overall knowledge, the quality of work, and the fact that he's a genuinely nice guy to deal with. If you have an old Landy and live in Melbourne, I can strongly recommend that you fire him an email or give him a call.

He was even nice enough to patiently explain over the phone to me that the oil cap on a Series II is held on by a bolt ... :-/

Anyhow, my wife & I will hopefully be taking Rosemary on a few trips in the near future, & I've been using her for a bit of commuting (nothing beats a Land Rover for carrying cricket gear or luggage). I'm getting better at driving her (no synchro on first or second which is a challenge) and enjoying driving her more and more ...
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